Our Community

Building a movement where stories are a part of the solution

We believe in the power of collective action and are proud to work with outstanding collaborators, movement and industry leaders, and trailblazing artists that bring our mission and vision to life.

Our collaborators generously lend their thoughtful ideas and influence, leverage their dynamic power, provide valuable insight through their skills and experiences, and meet every level of our work with meaningful engagement.

“Storytelling is critical to protecting the environment and our democracy. Working in collaboration with Redford Center and their filmmakers has dramatically shifted the narrative in how we think about getting stories out into communities and how we engage those people in the fight for a better future.”

– Maggie Bruns
League of Conservation Voters

“I want to be a part of the people that we think about when we think about who is a conservationist. That’s why I want to use that term, knowing that for a lot of people, so much has been done that’s been very detrimental to communities of color, particularly Native folks, in the name of conservation… For me, I’ve really reframed conservation to mean clean air, clean water, and access to green spaces. And with that reframe, this is absolutely my conversation.”

Faith Briggs Rose

Filmmaker, Redford Center Grantee